Case Study: Dances for a Small Stage 26 & 27
The Client
Celebrating its 10th season, Dances for a Small Stage presented a first in its long-running, incredibly popular dance series – back-to-back shows highlighting both international and homegrown talent at The Legion on The Drive.
Small Stage 26 on August 1 & 2 presented celebrated dance star Peter Chu and his uber-talented company chuthis. in a brand new installation of Nothing Sticks, Chu’s celebrated work first shown at New York’s Roseland Ballroom.
Small Stage 27 on August 3 & 4 highlighted some of Canada’s strongest dance talent, with vaudeville-inspired works by Karissa Barry, Dario Dinuzzi, Leon Feizo-Gas, Yeva & Thoenn Glover, Daniel Marshalsay, Caroline Liffman, Lina Fitzner, and Peter Smida.
The Campaign
As publicists for all Small Stage productions, Laura Murray Public Relations were responsible for all media relations surrounding the 26th and 27th instalments of the popular dance series. Elevated to a new level with double the talent, the series also called for a media relations campaign to match, through coverage in mainstream media, ethnic programs, popular blogs, and community outlets.
The campaign included writing and distributing event listings and press releases, followed by targeted pitching, media coaching, and interview coordination for several dancers including Peter Chu, Karissa Barry, and Leon Feizo-Gas.
The Results
Television interviews and newspaper articles were secured with the Lower Mainland’s top media outlets, including Global TV, Omni TV, Fairchild TV, Shaw TV’s Urban Rush, CBC French TV, CBC Radio Canada, The Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Georgia Straight, The Vancouver Courier, The Surrey NOW, Peace Arch News, and North Shore News.
Both dance presentations were well attended, featuring a standing ovation on the series’ opening night, solidifying Dances for a Small Stage as a must attend event on Vancouver’s east side.
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Categories: Case Studies