Q&A: Jesse Tanaka
Digital Coordinator Jesse Tanaka is LMPR’s newest member of the team. With a background in independent music and a special skill set in online marketing, Jesse looks forward to combining his passions and working with LMPR’s broad range of clients.
Tell us about yourself & how you got into arts marketing.
I grew up around both visual and performing arts, my father was a potter and had his studio set-up in our basement so I’ve been working with clay since I was a toddler. My sisters and I would help out around the studio and at craft sales, but it seemed like a really hard way to make a living, so I was never really interested in the arts as a career initially.
After spending a few years in construction out of high school, I wanted something completely different with a different mix of people and ended up on the other end of the spectrum studying arts management at Capilano College. I was still a little unclear about what to specialize in and one of my big sisters mentioned all the weird ideas I constantly have running through my brain would be good for marketing, so I guess that’s where it began.

Photo by Kari Heese Photography
Where is the best place you have travelled & why?
I’ve never really had the chance to do much travelling, all of my money has kind of gotten funnelled into education. I think I’ll probably be the first and last person ever to say Edmonton, but our family holidays growing up were always heading out on road trips to their folk fest.
We’d load up our Suburban with my sisters and I tightly packed in beside a load of my dad’s pottery to sell on the way. At the time, I took all of the musicians I got to see for granted, but looking back I’m glad I got to travel there, instead of Disneyland like the other kids. It was definitely a big part of my upbringing.
What was the first show you remember seeing as a child?
I was taken to concerts and music festivals starting at a really young age, but I think the first I actually remember was Jian Ghomeshi’s band Moxy Früvous at the Salmar Theatre in Salmon Arm. They toured through Salmon Arm a few times in the mid 90s and their tape was probably my favourite as a kid. I never have gotten to meet Jian, though maybe one day.
If you could grab a coffee with one artist – living or dead – who would it be and why?
I’ve never really gotten a thrill out of meeting famous people, but I’d probably go with Neil Young. We could talk music, hockey and I find all of the environmental causes he’s been fighting for lately really interesting. He could probably use some marketing for his new music player, so there’s that as well.
What are you most looking forward to in your new role at LMPR?
I’m excited to work with LMPR’s great roster of clients and get more experience working with such a diverse range of artists. I think many arts organizations are underutilizing many online tools, so introducing the possibilities should be a lot of fun.
Lighting Round!
Morning person or night owl? Night owl
Drink of choice? Phillips Blue Buck
Truth or dare? Dare
Favourite book? James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl (really high level, I know)
Best Movie? Fargo
Power of Flight or Invisibility? Flight for sure
Categories: MPMG