MOTIVATE: MPMG Clients Share Words to Live By
We asked arts industry leaders to share a few inspiring words that guide them personally and/or professionally. Whether this is a quote that resonates with them or insights of their own, here are some thought-provoking ‘words to live by’ from MPMG clients.

Left to Right; Arkady Spivak, Joyce Rosario, Richard Wolfe, Clayton Baraniuk
Artistic Producer, Talk Is Free Theatre
I recently realized how much I love the creative process. It’s what we should all use to defend ourselves against various cruelties. I find that those who are able to channel their oddities into creativity are ultimately the happiest of people.
Interim Artistic Director, PuSh International Performing Arts Festival
“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.”– Cesar Chavez
I saw this quote on a mural commemorating the civil rights activist when I was at Fusebox Festival in Austin, Texas in April. It’s been in my mind ever since, especially with the municipal election taking place in Vancouver.
Artistic Director, Pi Theatre
Although the arts are under-resourced it can be toxic to believe you’re always competing with other artists. Artistic creation is not like fighting in the UFC. You don’t win by beating someone else. Archery maybe? Breathe. Focus. Connect.
Artistic Producer, Electric Company Theatre
“Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse.
Be brave. Accept that you will fail, and succeed. Respect people and explore other perspectives. Be grateful and find the fun.
ESIE MENSAH (Pictured in header)
Dancer, Choreographer, Teacher
Follow the voice that lies within the centre of your being. Even when the noise of doubt begins to manifest… always follow the voice within.