Unscripted. Unstaged. Peter Chu.
Unscripted. Unstaged. is an interview series from Laura Murray Public Relations that speaks with fascinating artists, advocates, administrators, and other individuals who keep the artistic community visible, viable, and vibrant. Peter Chu is a multi-faceted dance artists. As a dancer, he has performed with BJM _Danse, as the lead in Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts music video, in Celine Dion's Vegas spectacular A New Day, and with Crystal Pite’s company Kidd Pivot. As a choreographer, he has created for Naomi Stikeman's Çaturn (consulted by Robert Lepage), Perry Mansfield New Works Festival (directed by Linda Kent), and most recently for So You Think You Can Dance.Q: If we were introduced at a party – what are the three things you would be excited to share about yourself?
One, I love to learn. Two, I love to move. And three, I love to create.
Q: If we checked your nightstand, what books would we find you reading right now?
None at present, because I don't really have a home! That being said, I do always pack along two books that I like to refer to: The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, by Ted Kaptchuk and The Complete Works of Lao Tzu, Translation and Elucidation by Master Hua-Ching Ni.
A third book I'm slowly working on under a busy schedule is Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend. The book was a gift from Cindy Salgado, who I danced with at Kidd Pivot.
Q: If we checked your computer, what favourite sites would be bookmarked?
Believe it or not- I don't have any. I tend to do most of my emailing and computing via my iPhone.
Q: How did you come to do what you do – was there a defining moment you can tell us about?
After I graduated high school my plan was to study sports medicine at Ohio State University. During the summer before this however, while teaching and coaching at a cheerleading camp, I took off two weeks off to take a few last dance lessons with one of my jazz teachers in LA.
It was a lot to take on at that point, and I found myself completely burned out from dance. After a particularly strenuous class at the Edge, my teacher was crying and told me, “you must continue sharing your gift.” I was equally affected by that class and realized dance is a part of me that I simply can't push away!
As soon as I returned to teaching the cheer camps, I called Ohio State to decline their acceptance.
Q: When it comes to marketing, is there a particular campaign or a poster, advertisement, or promotion that made a significant impact or that stands out in your mind?
I'm a huge fan of Herb Ritts and his work. He's an American fashion photographer who concentrated on black and white photography, as well as music videos.
I saw his exhibit at the Getty museum this past August and was reminded how prevalent his work was in the marketing world in the late 80's and into the 90's. He took many famous photos of actors & models.

One of Ritts' most controversial & renowned ad campaigns.
I didn't know it when I first saw them, but he was the director for a number of music videos that have had a big influence on me, like Madonna's Cherish, Janet Jackson's Love Will Never Do, and Chris Isaak's Wicked Game.
Q: Lastly, what inspires you?
So many things- movement, health & nutrition, chats with friends & family, music, pilates, and walks on the beach.
Categories: MPMG