On the Page: Favourite Travel Reads (Part Two)
Just in time for the Labour Day long weekend, we present part two of our two part series of the LMPR teams favourite travel reads.
This time we focus on novels that takes the reader on journeys of self discovery through travel, as well as explore drunken mistakes which evolve into a epic stories.
Laura Murray – Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Regardless of where I travel, great food and wine, a gathering of friends and family, and a healthy dose of discovery are usually, if not always, part of the mix.
So when I was asked to select a favourite travel-inspired read, I immediately turned to Elizabeth Gilbert’s irresistible true story – Eat, Pray, Love – an enviable journey whereby food, love, language, and self-discovery are at its core.
As I flip through the pages of my own weather-worn copy – thinking back to where I sat, curled up, devouring each page – a pair of plane tickets emerge – tucked neatly into the back cover. I am instantly transported to Thailand – a trip my husband and I took before we were married, recalling the white sandy beaches, the vibrant culture, and the glorious taste and aromas of the food…sigh.
Jesse Tanaka – The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float by Farley Mowat

The unfortunate passing of one of my favourite authors this spring also led me to rediscover one of Canada’s all time greats, Farley Mowat.
The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float follows Mowat during his time in Newfoundland as he attempts to sail the Maritimes. One evening after a bit too much Screech, he agrees to purchase the most beautiful boat ever built, or so he thought. As with all good drunken mistakes, a great story was born. In between a never-ending series of makeovers, the ironically named Happy Adventure sets sail with sharks, rum-runners and even a girl willing to share the journey.
It’s worth reading just to see how he managed to capture the Newfoundland accent in writing.
Shona Wercholuk – Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Wild is a novel I was given to read as part of my monthly book club and I wasn’t overly excited. After all, how thrilling could a book about a hike be? Boy, I could not have been more wrong!
Wild is a tale of true inner strength in a time that couldn’t be darker for this tragically troubled women. Burdened with her mothers premature death, multiple affairs, a divorce, and drug addiction, Cheryl makes an impulsive decision: She suddenly decides to embark on a journey of epic proportions, as she hikes the gruelling Pacific Crest Trail with no experience or training.
Through her passionate storytelling and unique intentions, this novel tells of a woman that must physically lose herself in something to heal and ultimately be found.
Categories: MPMG