Blackbird Theatre and LMPR Throw Down the Gauntlet
The process of mounting Waiting for Godot has brought to light the scourge that is waiting– and we will no longer stand for it. Blackbird Theatre and Laura Murray Public Relations are declaring war.
We are proud to unveil the first weapon in our arsenal. Equipped with this anti-boredom worksheet, our team is combating tedium by ensuring it falls directly into the hands of individuals waiting for buses or standing in line, ensuring that it is within reach in doctor’s offices across the lower mainland, and swooping in to answer cries for help online, responding to tweets of distress while on phone holds, flight delays, and all manners of anticipation.
Our street teams cannot be everywhere, however, and we have therefore provided the worksheet for download here, so readers can ensure a copy is always handy.

Blackbird Theatre presents Waiting for Godot
December 27, 2011 to January 21, 2012 at the East Vancouver Cultural Centre (The Cultch)
Tickets from $16 at
Categories: Client News